Making our Jetson Nano Speak - Text To Speech

Today I will be covering how (I tried) to convert text to speech on my Jetson Nano running ROS. And what I learned from the experience
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Nvidia Jetbot first look

Hey guys, today I will be outlining my experiences with the JetBot. Things like building it, machine learning workflow, training experiences etc
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Drawing with CUDA: Lines and Circles

Today we will be covering how to simple draw objects on an image using Parallel computing on our GPU via CUDA
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Working with Nvidia Tensor RT and Pose Estimation - Part 2

Today we will be continuing from part one and I will be showing usage of our custom class in the poseNet ROS Node
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Working with Nvidia Tensor RT and Pose Estimation

Today we will be converting some custom Pytorch models to ONNX format and then optimizing them with Nvidia’s TensorRT.
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