Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash

Live Video Inferencing Part 2 (SegNet)

Our Goal: to create a ROS node that receives raspberry Pi CSI camera images, runs Image Segmentation and outputs the results as a message that we can view using rqt_image_view.

Semantic Image Segmentation

Unlike classification of a whole image, segmentation ocurs at a pixel level. It is more fine grained and draws overlay on the exact location of the object detected.


Completed the previous post here

Live Video Inferencing (SegNet)

If you have completed the previous tutorial then this code will look very similar.

First lets put down some segnet node code.

Create a file named node_imagetaker_segnet.cpp in your <catkin-workspace-location>/<package-name>/src/ directory

And add the following to it, we will describe what each portion of the code does

Let’s add our needed imports

#include <ros/ros.h>

#include <image_transport/image_transport.h>

// allows us to use open cv with our ROS image messages
#include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>

#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>

#include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>

#include <vision_msgs/Detection2DArray.h>
#include <vision_msgs/VisionInfo.h>

// the API to our segmentation model
#include <jetson-inference/segNet.h>
// allows us to use the gpu for image operations
#include <jetson-utils/cudaMappedMemory.h>

#include <jetson-utils/loadImage.h>

#include "image_converter.h"
#include "image_ops.h"

#include <unordered_map>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
  • add our globals
segNet* net = NULL;

// our segmentation filters
segNet::FilterMode overlay_filter = segNet::FILTER_LINEAR;
segNet::FilterMode mask_filter    = segNet::FILTER_LINEAR;

// image converters
imageConverter* input_cvt      = NULL;
imageConverter* overlay_cvt    = NULL;
imageConverter* mask_color_cvt = NULL;
imageConverter* mask_class_cvt = NULL;

// allow us to publish our 3 potential results from the model
ros::Publisher* overlay_pub    = NULL;
ros::Publisher* mask_color_pub = NULL;
ros::Publisher* mask_class_pub = NULL;
  • add our image callback that will be called when we receive a message from the camera publisher. This is where the image will be passed into the AI model for inferencing
// input image subscriber callback
void img_callback( const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& input )
    ROS_INFO ("Received Image");
    // convert sensor_msgs[rgb] to opencv[brg]
    cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr;
    cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr_flip; // pointer for flipped image
      cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(input, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8);
      cv_ptr_flip = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(input, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8);
    catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e)
      ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what());
    // we are doing a 180 deg flip since
    // my camera is upside down
    const int img_flip_mode_ = -1;
    // flip the image
    cv::flip(cv_ptr->image, cv_ptr_flip->image, img_flip_mode_);
    // convert converted image back to a sensor_msgs::ImagePtr
    // for use with nvidia / other ML algorithms
    sensor_msgs::ImagePtr flippedImage = cv_ptr_flip->toImageMsg();

    // convert the image TO reside on GPU
    // the converting TO and converting FROM are the SAME funtion name
    // with different signatures
    if( !input_cvt || !input_cvt->Convert(flippedImage) )
        ROS_ERROR (
            "failed to convert %ux%u %s image",
    else {
        ROS_INFO (
            "Converted %ux%u %s image",
    // this is where the pass the image to the AI model
    // and generate the segmentation results
    const bool processed = net->Process(

    // process the segmentation network
    if (!processed)
            "failed to process segmentation on %ux%u image",
    // color overlay
    save_overlay(input->width, input->height);

    // turn off the ones below for now
    // color mask
    save_mask_color(input->width, input->height);

    // class mask
    save_mask_class(net->GetGridWidth(), net->GetGridHeight());
  • add our image processors and publishers, this is where we will apply the segmentation masks to the image and publish them
// put overlay on image and publish the image
bool save_overlay( uint32_t width, uint32_t height )
    ROS_INFO ("Starting to save image overlay");
    // assure correct image size
    if( !overlay_cvt->Resize(width, height) ) {
        return false;

    // generate the overlay
    if( !net->Overlay(overlay_cvt->ImageGPU(), width, height, overlay_filter) ) {
        return false;

    // populate the message
    sensor_msgs::Image msg;

    if( !overlay_cvt->Convert(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8) ) {
        return false;
    // publish image result

    // save the image result
    //std::string suffix = "_mask_overlay";
    //save_msg_to_image(&msg, &suffix);

// put mask on image and publish it
bool save_mask_color( uint32_t width, uint32_t height )
    ROS_INFO ("Starting to save image mask color");
    // assure correct image size
    if( !mask_color_cvt->Resize(width, height) ) {
        return false;

    // generate the overlay
    if( !net->Mask(mask_color_cvt->ImageGPU(), width, height, mask_filter) ) {
        return false;

    // populate the message
    sensor_msgs::Image msg;

    if( !mask_color_cvt->Convert(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8) ) {
        return false;

    // publish image result
    // save the image result
    // std::string suffix = "_mask_color";
    // save_msg_to_image(&msg, &suffix);

// put the mask class on an image and publish it
bool save_mask_class( uint32_t width, uint32_t height )
    ROS_INFO ("Starting to save image mask class");
    // assure correct image size
    if( !mask_class_cvt->Resize(width, height) ) {
        return false;

    // generate the overlay
    if( !net->Mask((uint8_t*)mask_class_cvt->ImageGPU(), width, height) ) {
        return false;

    // populate the message
    sensor_msgs::Image msg;

    if( !mask_class_cvt->Convert(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8) ) {
        return false;

    // publish image result
    // save the image result
    // std::string suffix = "_mask_class";
    // save_msg_to_image(&msg, &suffix);
  • finally our main function where we define our subscribers and publishers and initialize our node
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "imagetaker_segnet");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~");
    // can change this to another model you have
    // Below are some models I have downloaded
    std::string model_name = "fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-512x256";
    // std::string model_name = "fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-1024x512";
    // std::string model_name = "fcn-resnet18-deepscene-576x320";
    // std::string model_name = "fcn-resnet18-mhp-512x320";
    // std::string model_name = "fcn-alexnet-pascal-voc";
    // std::string model_name = "fcn-resnet18-sun-512x400";
    // use this so we can pass parameters via command line e.g
    // rosrun <package-name> imagetaker_segnet _model_name:=fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-512x256

    // retrieve filter mode settings
    std::string overlay_filter_str = "linear";
    std::string mask_filter_str    = "linear";
    overlay_filter = segNet::FilterModeFromStr(
    mask_filter = segNet::FilterModeFromStr(
    // determine which built-in model was requested
    segNet::NetworkType model = segNet::NetworkTypeFromStr(model_name.c_str());

    if(model == segNet::SEGNET_CUSTOM)
            "invalid built-in pretrained model name '%s', defaulting to cityscapes",
        model = segNet::FCN_ALEXNET_CITYSCAPES_HD;

    // create network using the built-in model
    net = segNet::Create(model);
        ROS_ERROR("failed to load segNet model");
        return 0;
     * create the class labels parameter vector
    // hash the model path to avoid collisions on the param server
    std::hash<std::string> model_hasher;
    std::string model_hash_str =
        std::string(net->GetModelPath())+ std::string(net->GetClassPath());

    const size_t model_hash = model_hasher(model_hash_str);

    ROS_INFO("model hash => %zu", model_hash);
    ROS_INFO("hash string => %s", model_hash_str.c_str());

    // obtain the list of class descriptions
    std::vector<std::string> class_descriptions;
    const uint32_t num_classes = net->GetNumClasses();

    for( uint32_t n=0; n < num_classes; n++ )
        const char* label = net->GetClassDesc(n);

        if( label != NULL ) {

    * create image converters
    input_cvt      = new imageConverter();
    overlay_cvt    = new imageConverter();
    mask_color_cvt = new imageConverter();
    mask_class_cvt = new imageConverter();

    if( !input_cvt || !overlay_cvt || !mask_color_cvt || !mask_class_cvt )
        ROS_ERROR("failed to create imageConverter objects");
        return 0;
    * advertise publisher topics
    ros::Publisher overlay_publsh = private_nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image>("overlay", 2);
    overlay_pub = &overlay_publsh;
    ros::Publisher mask_color_publsh = private_nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image>("mask_color", 2);
    mask_color_pub = &mask_color_publsh;
    ros::Publisher mask_class_publsh = private_nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image>("mask_class", 2);
    mask_class_pub = &mask_class_publsh;

    * subscribe to image topic
    ros::Subscriber img_sub = nh.subscribe(

    * wait for messages
    ROS_INFO("segnet node initialized, waiting for messages");


    return 0;

Full code looks like (here)[]

Then add the following to your <catkin-workspace-loaction>/<package-name>/CMakeLists.txt

target_link_libraries(imagetaker_segnet ${catkin_LIBRARIES} jetson-inference)


Run catkin_make to compile your code and make sure no errors show up

If any errors show up, make a comment and I will try to help you with it

In a terminal run


In another terminal run

# we are running at 1280x720 @ 24 FPS for now
roslaunch jetson_csi_cam jetson_csi_cam.launch sensor_id:=0 width:=1280 height:=720 fps:=24
# if your camera is in csi port 1 change sensor_id to 1
  • NOTE: you may see a warning about a camera calibration file, you can ignore it

In a third terminal run

# to check if we are getting images from the camera
rostopic list
# you should see /csi_cam_0/camera_info or /csi_cam_1/camera_info
rostopic hz /csi_cam_<0 or 1>/camera_info

You should see something like:

average rate: 1.937
    min: 0.516s max: 0.516s std dev: 0.00000s window: 2
average rate: 1.938
        min: 0.515s max: 0.516s std dev: 0.00048s window: 4
average rate: 1.937
        min: 0.515s max: 0.517s std dev: 0.00056s window: 6
average rate: 1.937
        min: 0.515s max: 0.517s std dev: 0.00048s window: 8
average rate: 1.937
        min: 0.515s max: 0.517s std dev: 0.00047s window: 10
average rate: 1.937
        min: 0.515s max: 0.517s std dev: 0.00045s window: 12
average rate: 1.937
        min: 0.515s max: 0.517s std dev: 0.00053s window: 14

In the third terminal Ctrl^c to stop the rostopic hz, now we will run our ROS node. To specify a model, use _model_name parameter, you can omit it to run the default model

# specified model
rosrun <package-name> imagetaker_segnet _model_name:=fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-512x256
# run default model using
# rosrun <package-name> imagetaker_segnet

In rqt_image_view click the drop down and select either imagetaker_segnet/overlay, imagetaker_segnet/mask_color or imagetaker_segnet/mask_class to see the image segmentation results in real-time!

Sample Text to Speech Pipeline
if you can see an image like this then you have successfully completed this tutorial

This was long, thanks for staying till this point. Come back later for more image inferencing

If you have any tips or questions feel free to leave a comment!

We will be doing image detection in Part 3!


  • the first time you run the node, it has to optimize the model in Tensor RT so it will go on for a couple of minutes
    • just Wait
    • on your next run, the model is cached and it will not take long to start up
  • use rqt_image_view to recieve images in real time
    • if you are running the nano remotely, use SSH with the -X flag for forwarding the UI
    • e.g ssh -X mynano@192.123.456.789

Full source code available on github

Semantic Segmentation with SegNet