Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

Drawing with CUDA: lines and circles


  • Completed the previous tutorial here

What is Parallel Computing

At a high level, parallel computing is the simultenous use of multiple computing resources to solve a computational problem. The problem is broken into separate parts that can be solved concurrently.

Parallel Computing with CUDA

CUDA is Nvidia’s parallel computing platform. CUDA has interfaces in many programming languages e.g. C++, Fortan, Python etc.

For this post, we will be focussing on CUDA for C++.

CUDA C++ Syntax and Terminology

Background Information

  • Host refers to the CPU and Device refers to the GPU, we can have multiple Devices serving one Host
  • Functions with the __global__ are functions called from the Host to be executed on the Device
  • All parameters MUST be pointers as we are refering to variables on the device
  • Host pointers point to host memory
  • Device pointers point to device memory
  • You can’t derefrence (Access values) Host pointers on the Device and vice versa.
  • Use cudaMalloc(), cudaFree(), cudaMemcpy() to manage device memory

Each parallel invocation of our function is referred to as a block. The set of blocks is referred to as a grid

The syntax of kernel execution configuration is as follows <<< M , T >>>

  • Which indicate that a kernel launches with a grid of M thread blocks. Each thread block has T parallel threads.

  • example:

    // 1 thread block with 256 parallel threads
    vector_add <<< 1 , 256 >>> (d_out, d_a, d_b, N);
  • extended execution configuration is <<< Dg, Db, Ns, S >>>:

    • Dg is of type dim3 (see dim3) and specifies the dimension and size of the grid, such that Dg.x * Dg.y * Dg.z equals the number of blocks being launched;
    • Db is of type dim3 (see dim3) and specifies the dimension and size of each block, such that Db.x * Db.y * Db.z equals the number of threads per block;
    • Ns is of type size_t and specifies the number of bytes in shared memory that is dynamically allocated per block for this call in addition to the statically allocated memory; this dynamically allocated memory is used by any of the variables declared as an external array as mentioned in __shared__
      • Ns is an optional argument which defaults to 0;
      • shared memory is block level i.e only threads in the same block can access it
    • S is of type cudaStream_t and specifies the associated stream
      • S is an optional argument which defaults to 0.
  • Dim3 note:

    • Dim3 is used to manage how you want to access blocks and grids i.e you access them in a 1 Dimensional, 2 Dimensional or 3 Dimensional manner
    • This is useful depending on the kind of data you are passing in, so if we are dealing with an image, we can specify Dg and Db as:
    const dim3 Db(8, 8);
    const dim3 Dg(iDivUp(out_width,blockDim.x), iDivUp(out_height,blockDim.y));
    • dim3 can take up to 3 parameters, any unitialized parameters will default to 1
    • so in our example Db is an [8,8,1] block (num threads in this block is 64 = 8 * 8 * 1) and Dg is a [out_width/blockDim.x, out_height/blockDim.y, 1] grid where the number of blocks is (out_width/blockDim.x * out_height/blockDim.y * 1)
    • to access dimensional indexes, use .x, .y, .z e.g blockDim.x, blockDim.y, blockDim.z
    • it seems convetional to declare Db yourself and then have Dg be the number of values you want to process (in a specified dimension), N, divided by Db
  • Such index can be computed as follow

    // tid, our global unique thread ID
    int tid = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
    // think of this like a 2d array arranged sequentially
    // so to get the thread ID for the thread id at
    // block 2, thread 50; where each block is of size 256
    // tid = (2 * 256) + 50
    // tid = 562
    • blockIdx.x contains the index of the current thread block in the grid, use this index if you want to compute using parallel blocks
    • blockDim.x contains the number of threads in the bloc
    • threadIdx.x contains the index of the current thread within its block, use this index if you want to compute using parallel threads
    • tid is extremely important as it contians the index allowing us to used parallel blocks and threads
  • A good rule of thumb: With T threads per thread block and N elements to process, we need at least N/T thread blocks to have a total of X threads. To assign a thread to a specific element, we need to know a unique index for each thread.

    // example with 256 thread blocksize i.e T = 256
    int blockSize = 256;
    int numBlocks = (N + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
    add<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(N, a, b);
Cuda Indexing
(Grid, Block and Thread Indexing. Image owned by Nvidia)

The following is a comparison between sequential execution (for loop add over 2 vectors) versus parallel execution (use GPU threads to add all at once)

Normal Execution:

#define VECTOR_LENGTH 100000

int main ()
    int *vecA;
    int *vecB;
    int *vecC;

    int size = VECTOR_LENGTH * sizeof(int);

    vecA = (int *)malloc(size);
    vecB = (int *)malloc(size);
    vecC = (int *)malloc(size);

    // fill vectors a and b with random integers
    random_ints(vecA, VECTOR_LENGTH);
    random_ints(vecB, VECTOR_LENGTH);

    for (int x = 0; x < VECTOR_LENGTH; x++) {
        vecC[x] = vecA[x] + vecB[x];

    // clean up memory

    return 0;

Parallel Execution:

#define VECTOR_LENGTH 100000

// gpuVectorAdd
__global__ void gpuVectorAdd(
    int* vecA,
    int* vecB,
    int* vecC,
    int vecLength
    const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    // to prevent overunning our vectors
    if( x >= vecLength)
    vecC[x] = vecA[x] + vecB[x];

int main ()
    int *vecA;
    int *vecB;
    int *vecC;

    int *d_a;
    int *d_b;
    int *d_c;

    int size = VECTOR_LENGTH * sizeof(int);

    // declare our memory size
    cudaMalloc((void **)&d_A, size);
    cudaMalloc((void **)&d_B, size);
    cudaMalloc((void **)&d_C, size);

    vecA = (int *)malloc(size);
    vecB = (int *)malloc(size);
    vecC = (int *)malloc(size);

    // fill vectors a and b with random integers
    random_ints(vecA, VECTOR_LENGTH);
    random_ints(vecB, VECTOR_LENGTH);

    // copy input vectors host to gpu memory
    cudaMemcpy(d_a, vecA, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(d_b, vecB, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    // define kernel launch parameters
    const dim3 blockDim(32);
    const dim3 gridDim(iDivUp(VECTOR_LENGTH, blockDim.x));
    // launch the add kernel
    gpuVectorAdd<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>(

    // copy results from gpu memory to host memory
    cudaMemcpy(vecC, d_C, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    // clean up host memory

    // clean up device memory

    return 0;

CUDA in Action

One thing to remember is that when you are in your parallelized function, you are running in a loop, so use your given thread index to do the thing you would have done in a loop form

If you completed the previous tutorials you would have seen and poseNet.cuh. These were used to draw the resultant pose points and lines that our model provided as output.

Lets go through the code and explain how it works (I have cut out some code for brevity and left in the pertinent parts)

  • poseNet.cuh

    #include "Tensor.h"
    #include <jetson-utils/cudaUtility.h>
    __global__ void gpuDrawCircle(
        float4* output,
        const int out_width,
        const int out_height,
        const int center_x,
        const int center_y,
        const int radius
    __global__ void gpuDrawLine(
        float4* output,
        const int out_width,
        const int out_height,
        const float x0,
        const float y0,
        const float x1,
        const float y1
    cudaError_t cudaDrawPose(
        float4* output,
        uint32_t out_width,
        uint32_t out_height,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<int> topology,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<int> object_counts,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<int> objects,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<float> normalized_peaks,
        cudaStream_t stream
    • .cuh files are header files for cuda, they function similarly to regular C++ header files i.e we define our function signatures here
    • notice the 2 functions with the __global__ are functions intended to be executed on the GPU, while the function at the bottom will be executed on the host

    #include "poseNet.cuh"
    #include "Tensor.h"
    #include <jetson-utils/cudaUtility.h>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cmath>
    // gpuDrawCircle
    __global__ void gpuDrawCircle(
        float4* output,
        const int out_width,
        const int out_height,
        const int center_x,
        const int center_y,
        const int radius
        const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
        const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
        if( x >= out_width || y >= out_height )
        // if x,y is in the circle draw it
        if ((x - center_x)*(x - center_x) + (y - center_y)*(y - center_y) < (radius * radius)) {
            const float4 color = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f);
            output[y * out_width + x] = color;
    // gpuDrawLine
    __global__ void gpuDrawLine(
        float4* output,
        const int out_width,
        const int out_height,
        const float x0,
        const float y0,
        const float x1,
        const float y1
        const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
        const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
        if( x >= out_width || y >= out_height )
        float AB = std::sqrt((x1-x0) * (x1-x0) + (y1-y0) * (y1-y0));
        float AP = std::sqrt((x-x0) * (x-x0) + (y-y0) * (y-y0));
        float PB = std::sqrt((x1-x) * (x1-x) + (y1-y) * (y1-y));
        // adjust threshold to make the line thicker
        const float threshold = 0.1f;
        if (std::fabs(AB - (AP + PB)) <= threshold) {
            const float4 color = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f);
            output[y * out_width + x] = color;
    // cudaPreImageNet
    cudaError_t cudaDrawPose(
        float4* output,
        uint32_t out_width,
        uint32_t out_height,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<int> topology,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<int> object_counts,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<int> objects,
        jetsoncam::Tensor<float> normalized_peaks,
        cudaStream_t stream
        if( !output )
            return cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer;
        if( out_width == 0 || out_height == 0 )
            return cudaErrorInvalidValue;
        int K = topology.size(0);
        int count = object_counts.retrieve({0});
        //printf("count: %d\n", count);
        //printf("K: %d\n", K);
        //printf("output image width %u, height %u\n", out_width, out_height);
        // launch kernel
        const dim3 blockDim(8, 8);
        const dim3 gridDim(iDivUp(out_height,blockDim.x), iDivUp(out_height,blockDim.y));
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            int C = objects.size(2);
            for (int j = 0; j < C; j++) {
                int k = objects.retrieve({0,i,j});
                if (k >= 0) {
                    float x = normalized_peaks.retrieve({0,j,k,1}) * float(out_width);
                    float y = normalized_peaks.retrieve({0,j,k,0}) * float(out_height);
                    // DRAW x,y to a circle with color
                    gpuDrawCircle<<<gridDim, blockDim, 0, stream>>>(
                        (int) x,
                        (int) y,
            for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
                int c_a = topology.retrieve({k,2});
                int c_b = topology.retrieve({k,3});
                int obj_c_a = objects.retrieve({0,i,c_a});
                int obj_c_b = objects.retrieve({0,i,c_b});
                if (obj_c_a >= 0 && obj_c_b >= 0) {
                    float x0 = normalized_peaks.retrieve({0,c_a,obj_c_a,1}) * float(out_width);
                    float y0 = normalized_peaks.retrieve({0,c_a,obj_c_a,0}) * float(out_height);
                    float x1 = normalized_peaks.retrieve({0,c_b,obj_c_b,1}) * float(out_width);
                    float y1 = normalized_peaks.retrieve({0,c_b,obj_c_b,0}) * float(out_height);
                    // printf("gpuDrawLine-> obj_c_a: %d, obj_c_b: %d, x0: %f, y0: %f, x1: %f, y1: %f\n",obj_c_a, obj_c_b, x0, y0, x1, y1);
                    // DRAW line from x0,y0 to x1,y1
                    gpuDrawLine<<<gridDim, blockDim, 0, stream>>>(
        return CUDA(cudaGetLastError());
    • The function cudaDrawPose is called from poseNet.cpp.
    • cudaDrawPose launches the drawing kernels on the GPU using the gpuDrawLine<<<gridDim, blockDim, 0, stream>>>(...) or the gpuDrawCircle<<<gridDim, blockDim, 0, stream>>>(...) calls.
    • Notice how we specify the number of blocks and number of threads per block in 2-Dimensions, since we are working on an image.
    • we get our 2-Dimensional thread indexes (x,y) by using:
    const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    • we also check to make sure that our 2-Dimensional thread indexes are not out of the bounds of our image, the reason is the number of threads we declare may not exactly match the number of pixels in our image (e.g blocksize limits):
    if( x >= out_width || y >= out_height )

You have seen this before, but it was included for contexts sake, this piece of command is added to our CMakeLists.txt so we can compile our CUDA code:

# we have to compile CUDA libs separately
CUDA_COMPILE(posenet_cuda_o  src/

  • NOTE: the CUDA_COMPILE and the ${posenet_cuda_o}

Parallel Computing benefits

Using the GPU to draw is extremely helpful as we can Draw on all pixels at Once!

So when if we want to draw 10 cirles, we dont need to do a 10xWxH loop over each pixel, we can instead do a 10x loop! In fact, those who are more experienced with CUDA can draw all 10 images in a single pass!

Parallel computing has greatly helped Artificial Intelligence research as costly operations, e.g convolutions, can be parallelized and training speed increased greatly.

If you are planning on doing any real time inferencing, especially with high dimensional data structures like images or videos. It is extremely important to know how to leverage GPU’s on your device.

Thank you for making it to the end of this most, if you have any questions or concerns, leave a comment!

Full source code available on GitHub

Introduction to Parallel Computing